ConnectionsMeetup 3-Conscious Communication

By ultihesv

3) Conscious Communication –

  • Open listening.
  • Speaking with compassion.
  • Conscious focus on the intent to bless.
  • Balance being vulnerable and communicating with the intent to bless.

Blessing Others

  • When we set our intention on being a blessing we experience more blessing ourselves.
  • Blessing others:  a practice of gratitude in our relationships.

The Power of Being Vulnerable –

Mark Brown, founder of Connections Meetup, believes others respect us more when we are open and make ourselves vulnerable. It is not suggested that you can practice these principles with everyone. It is very important to only be this vulnerable with safe people. We recognize that hurting people often hurt other people, yet believe that most people innately wish to bless others.

When there is a preface that speaks belief in the group’s honesty, honest behavior follows.

In India the schools offered needed supplies on a self-serve basis, with an honor system for payment. A few were not paying. It was commented that the purpose was to teach integrity and trust people to be honest. From then on, correct payment became a spontaneous practice.

When we communicate our feelings and needs we are being vulnerable.

There is a saying that intimacy is “Into Me You See”. Being intimate involves the mixing of our life with another’s, a mingling of souls, a sharing of hearts. This is something we all long for. We are made this way. We were designed to connect. Blog: LIFE Into Me I See–Into Me You See

Intimacy is nurtured when we are vulnerable. Blessing others deepens our connection.

If we act positive all the time, hiding our struggles, we are not being vulnerable and we miss the deeper, more honest connection. When we find the balance of being vulnerable and sharing our inner struggles, we find more intimacy. The balance is not getting stuck on the “negative”, but being honest and vulnerable.

The Power of Elevation – Many people have not heard about the emotion of elevation. It is the hero story of someone who gave their life to save another. It is universal in every culture that the emotion of elevation causes us to feel something in our throats and we start to tear up.

It is a heart-level feeling of deep respect.

The Power of Leading by Example – Mark knew a group of people living together where one person gladly did the dishes, not complaining in word or thought. Soon other adults started to say, “Hey, let me do the dishes.” They were laughing and “fighting over” who got to do the dishes. Soon the children joined in, vying to do the dishes too. This is a part of Blessing. This results when we focus on being a blessing to each other.

Balance – Mark says, “I think one special thing about Connections Meetup is the balance of being vulnerable and sharing my struggles, but not sharing ‘everything I don’t like about you’.”

The balance is being vulnerable while choosing to be a blessing to others too.

The Law of Attraction is we get more of what we focus on. We can share what is on our mind, without getting stuck on the negative. We want to learn how to be vulnerable with our intent focused on bringing blessing more clearly into focus so we can manifest amazingness in life.

Investing in safe relationships –

Think of investing in relationships a little like a retirement program. Invest often and over a long period of time for optimal joy in the end. As we spend time building safe relationships we find more happiness and joy and connection.